Bellingham Public Library, Bellingham, MA (August 2018)
Portsmouth, NH
(June 2018)
UMass Dartmouth Paul Rudolph
Graphic design students and gallery director Viera Levitt wrote quotes by campus architect Paul Rudolph. These quotes make people think about the buildings they occupy, use and walk by on a daily basis.
RISE Against Hunger
UMass Dartmouth and community members packaged 20,000 nutritious meals for developing nations.
Holocaust Memorial
Memorial service at Tifereth Israel Synagogue, New Bedford, MA
From January 2018 to April 2018, I working on a four-month-long collaborative art project for SMAST University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Marine Science School on producing a site-specific installation of photographs featuring in the field, the facility and their objects related to their work (using methods from photo-journalism and studio photography).